
Granny's Homemade Apple Pie

Wow! Looks good enough to eat! Can't you just smell it cooling on an open window seal or on the old black wood stove or cooling rack in your Granny's kitchen.

For your consideration, I have made this apple pie. No, it's not real......but it sure does look good.

This folk art apple pie is made from cotton batting for the crust and lattice. It have been coffee/vanilla stained and smells sooooo good. The apple slices are made from muslin that has been stained, painted, baked and sanded to give them their baked color. The black seeds have been stitched into every slice and there are 20 of them in the entire pie. This apple pie has been sprinkled with German glass glitter to look like sweet sugar. To finish off the pie, it has been sprinkled with real cinnamon, too. The pie is mounted in a metal pie tin. This apple pie is 15" across. This pie is an Oodoolekadoole design.

$33.00 price includes travel fare in the US.